Why More Women Need to Invest | Phil Town

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It’s safe to say that Wall Street and the financial marketplace is largely male-dominated, but why? In this video, I want to address the stereotypes of women and investing, and why women should invest.

Hey, ladies! Discover how to invest successfully with low risk and high returns with my Rule #1 Quick Start Guide. Download it for free by clicking the link above!

After this video, don’t forget to visit my InvestED podcast where my daughter and I discuss all things investing:

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Why Should You Convert Your IRA to Roth on January 1, 2010?

What is going to happen in 3 months is revolutionary! Why you ask? One of the best things President Bush did in 2006 was sign a $70 tax cut that changed the rules. In case you wanted to know the actual bill was called the “Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005.” it was signed into law May 17, 2006.

Roth 401k Or Regular 401k?

There’s a new kid in town: the Roth 401k. Your company may give you the choice of a regular 401k or a Roth 401k.

Should I Rollover My 401k to an IRA?

Is it smart to rollover your 401k to an IRA? Learn the 5 must know secrets why not rolling over your 401k could cost you plenty.

Roth IRA Income Limits Serve a Purpose

When looking at retirement money it is important to understand what the difference is between Roth vs traditional IRA. The first difference is the Roth IRA income limit. The reason there is an income limit is because Roth IRA contributions are taxed.

Overview of 2010 IRA Contribution Limits

When it comes to traditional and Roth IRA rules their are certain limits for contribution. With the 2010 IRA contribution limits upon us it’s important to get prepared so that you’ll get maximum benefit.

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