What Happens to Retirement Money When Changing Jobs? | Phil Town

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In this video I give you a few ideas on what you should do with your 401k and IRA funds when switching jobs. Changing jobs is a common occurrence and yet so many folks out there don’t know what they should be doing with their retirement money!

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Retirement Savings – How to Start One?

Having a retirement savings plan is essential if you want to have a safe and secure life after retirement but the problem is the current situation when you are not very sure about the different retirement plans and do not know which one would be the best for you. There are different choices available for the individual and we would, in this article, look how should one go about starting these retirement savings plan.

IRA Distribution – The Basics

IRA distribution is one of the most preferred and popular method to save or accumulate money for retirement. One of the major reasons for its popularity is because the US government is very keen on its citizens taking up this plan and it also offers incentives to its citizens who take up this savings plan.

IRA Contribution – Why Are They Imposed by the Federal Government?

Unlike any other plans offering retirement savings IRAs are being imposed upon contribution limits by the federal government. The maximum dollar amount that you will be contributing annually should not exceed your annual income or the limit set by the government. Like the limit that is currently imposed and that is five thousand dollars.

401k IRA – What is It?

To all those people who do not know what a 401(k) IRA is, it is basically a savings plan which helps the account holder to accumulate money till his retirement. The name of the plan is as per internal revenue laws. These plans are not individual in nature and are basically provided by the employer who takes a certain amount of money from the paycheck of the employee on a monthly basis. We would, in this article, look at this savings plan in a more detailed manner.

The Importance of an IRA Investment

There is no better time than right now to start preparing for your future life after retirement. This can be a little confusing, so the basics of an IRA investment will be broken down here. These include why the IRA fund is so good, and what is different between one that is traditional and one that is a Roth.

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