Traits of Ordinary Millionaires | Phil Town

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When you think of a millionaire, do you envision private jets and Lamborghinis? While these mega-rich millionaires do exist, the ordinary millionaire doesn’t have that same outlook – and that makes reaching millionaire status much more achievable than most people realize.

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Self-Employed 401(K) – Are They Worth the Trouble?

It’s been a commonly accepted principle that 401(k) Plans are a relatively inexpensive way for companies to provide their employees with retirement benefits. There are a lot of investment companies selling 401(k) Plans designed for companies with no employees other than the owner. Before you sign up for these great sounding products ask yourself if this is something that is worth the cost, risk, and trouble.

Advantages of 401k Plans

A 401k retirement plan offers a number of advantages that make it one of the best ways of preparing financially for your retirement. A 401k retirement plan works by taking contributions from your earnings before tax deductions, which may be matched by contributions from your employer. This money is invested, ensuring that the plan will be able to provide a good income for you during your retirement.

Withdrawing Money From a 401k Plan

A 401k retirement plan offers participants a secure financial future and a comfortable retirement. It is, therefore, advisable to avoid making early withdrawals if possible, in order to avoid risking this security. In extreme circumstances, it may be necessary to withdraw money from a 401k plan before retirement. Most 401k plan will allow participants to do so in certain situations.

Learning About Your 401k Plan

The success of your 401k retirement plan depends upon how much money is placed into the plan. It is important to consider how much you need to contribute to your 401k and for how long you will need to do so in order to maintain your standard of living during retirement. Your employer may decide to match your contributions, and it is a good idea to take full advantage of this since you are essentially being given free money towards your retirement.

What Is a Self Directed IRA?

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a newbie, you need to make yourself aware of the options available to you with a self directed IRA, or SDIRA. A SDIRA is a powerful alternative to both traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs offering financial control over your own retirement funds.

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