Top Investments: Whole Foods | Phil Town

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You guys have been asking for some more Rule #1 case studies. I’d like to talk about one of my winners with you, Whole Foods. Let’s talk about why I bought it, why I thought it was a great company when I bought it, and what I paid for it. Looking to master investing?

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2007 IRA Contribution Limits and the New Standard

Since 2002, federal standards for individual retirement accounts have seen a number of important changes, most notably in the area of the maximum allowable contributions. These changes have resulted in the limits being gradually raised from the old $2,000 maximum contribution prior to 2002 to the $4,000 limit that took effect in 2007.

SIMPLE IRA Rules You Need to Know

Given the familiarity that most people have with the 401k structure, it is no surprise that so many people are confused when their employers introduce new retirement concepts into the workplace. The SIMPLE IRA is one of those concepts that employees often find confusing when they are first presented.

IRA Vs Roth IRA – Which is Better?

For decades, Americans have had a number of worthwhile options for their retirement planning. If you are of working age, you can choose between traditional stock and bond options, a 401k plan that consists of those elements, or one of a variety of individual retirement account options that are now used by more than 40 million people in the country.

Open Roth IRA – What You Should Know

You have decided that you want to purchase an open Roth IRA because you have hear of all the benefits that you can reap when your reach retirement. There are a couple things you should know before you jump in.

The Wrong Way to Invest in a 401K

The wrong way to invest in a 401k is to not invest in one at all. Of course, there are a few common mistakes that are certainly worth avoiding, but saving itself is the most important thing.

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