How to Give Back During the Holidays | Phil Town

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The holiday season is around the corner and if you’re like most Americans, you approach the holidays with a mixture of good cheer and stress about gift-buying, meal-cooking, etc. One way to reinvigorate your holidays is to find some new ways to give back!

If you want to start investing to be able to give back to your community, locally, or around the world, click the link above.

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2010 Roth IRA Limits

If you’re looking for information on 2010 Roth IRA limits in hopes of planning your contribution, hopefully this article will come in handy. The Roth IRA seems to increase in popularity every year. A savings plan with serious tax incentives, the added flexibility as opposed to the traditional IRA seems to draw people in.

An Insight Into 401k to IRA Rollover

What is a 401k rollover to IRA? A 401k rollover is the procedure of moving retirement savings from a work-sponsored 401k plan to another retirement investment vehicle, i.e. 401K into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

Get Rich Slowly With a Roth IRA

The Roth IRA is by far the best retirement-savings tool for the average American. Here’s why.

Cashing a 401k Because You Need Money Now

Cashing a 401k because you need money now will hurt you in the future. There are ways to borrow money from the account without taking it out directly, or finding financing elsewhere, that should be carefully considered before making the decision to face these penalties.

401k Rollover Or Cash Out

I’ll be honest; there isn’t much excitement when it comes to your 401k. Unless investing is something you are truly interested in knowing how to invest in your 401k can be quite intimidating. At some point you get through it and then you decide to leave your current employer and you are back to dealing with your 401k again.

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